9/3/2012 to 9/10/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 9/9/2012:
Wandering in the Wilderness
Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)
9/10/2012 to 9/17/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 9/16/2012:
Wandering in the Wilderness
Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Green (Kindergarten)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration - Blue (4th Grade)
9/17/2012 to 9/24/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 9/23/2012:
Wandering in the Wilderness
Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)
9/24/2012 to 10/1/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 9/30/2012:
Wandering in the Wilderness
Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)
10/1/2012 to 10/8/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 10/7/2012:
Solomon & Building the Temple
Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)
10/8/2012 to 10/15/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 10/14/2012:
Solomon & Building the Temple
Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)
10/15/2012 to 10/22/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 10/21/2012:
Solomon & Building the Temple
Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten)
www.Kingdom.org - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)
10/22/2012 to 10/29/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 10/28/2012:
Solomon & Building the Temple
Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Green (Kindergarten)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration - Blue (4th Grade)
10/29/2012 to 11/5/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 11/4/2012:
Mission Sunday
11/5/2012 to 11/12/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 11/11/2012:
Good Samaritan
Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)
11/12/2012 to 11/19/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 11/18/2012:
Good Samaritan
Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)
11/19/2012 to 11/26/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 11/25/2012:
Good Samaritan
Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)
11/26/2012 to 12/3/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/2/2012:
Jesus is Born
Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)
12/3/2012 to 12/10/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/9/2012:
Jesus is Born
Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten)
www.Kingdom.org - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)
12/10/2012 to 12/17/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/16/2012:
Jesus is Born
Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Green (Kindergarten)Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration -
12/17/2012 to 12/24/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/23/2012:
There will be no Kingdom this week
12/24/2012 to 12/31/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/30/2012:
There will be no Kingdom this week
12/31/2012 to 1/7/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 1/6/2013:
Abraham and Sarah
Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)
1/7/2013 to 1/14/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 1/13/2013:
Abraham and Sarah
Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)
1/14/2013 to 1/21/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 1/20/2013:
Abraham and Sarah
Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)
1/21/2013 to 1/28/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 1/27/2013:
Abraham and Sarah
Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)
1/28/2013 to 2/4/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 2/3/2013:
Abraham and Sarah
Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten)
www.Kingdom.org - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)
2/4/2013 to 2/11/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 2/10/2013:
Misson Sunday
2/11/2013 to 2/18/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 2/17/2013:
Jesus and John the Baptist
Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Green (Kindergarten)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration - Blue (4th Grade)
2/18/2013 to 2/25/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 2/24/2013:
Jesus and John the Baptist
Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)
2/25/2013 to 3/4/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/3/2013:
Jesus and John the Baptist
Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)
3/4/2013 to 3/11/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/10/2013:
Jesus and John the Baptist
Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)
3/11/2013 to 3/18/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/17/2013:
Holy Week and Easter
Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)
3/18/2013 to 3/25/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/24/2013:
Holy Week and Easter
Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten)
www.Kingdom.org - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)
3/25/2013 to 4/1/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/31/2013:
There will be no Kingdom this week due to Easter
4/1/2013 to 4/8/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 4/7/2013:
Holy Week and Easter
Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Green (Kindergarten)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration - Blue (4th Grade)
4/8/2013 to 4/15/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 4/14/2013:
Holy Week and Easter
Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten) & 4-year-olds
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)
4/15/2013 to 4/22/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 4/21/2013:
Mission Sunday
4/22/2013 to 4/29/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 4/29/2013:
Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)
4/29/2013 to 5/6/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 5/5/2013:
Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade) visiting Y-Search today
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)
5/6/2013 to 5/13/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 5/12/2013:
Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade)
www.Kingdom.org - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)
5/13/2013 to 5/20/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 5/19/2013:
Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten)
www.Kingdom.org - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)
5/21/2012 to 9/2/2012
There will be no Kingdom in the summer:
Returns in Fall 2012