Staff Directory
First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights
302 N. Dunton Avenue
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
Phone: 847-255-5900
Fax: 847-255-3475
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Building Use Requests and Questions: Contact Brian Larson.
Staff Directory
Rev. Alex Lang, Pastor |
alexlang@fpcah.org |
Rev. Judy Hockenberry, Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care |
judyhockenberry@fpcah.org |
TC Anderson, Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families |
tcanderson@fpcah.org |
Katy Allen, Director of Children's Ministries |
katyallen@fpcah.org |
Coleen Anzalone, Director of Parents' Day Out |
coleenanzalone@fpcah.org |
Liz Armstrong, Coordinator of Volunteers |
lizarmstrong@fpcah.org |
Mary Fino, Senior Administrative Assistant |
maryfino@fpcah.org |
General Mailbox |
mail@fpcah.org |
Adam Hendrickson, Director of Music and Worship |
adamhendrickson@fpcah.org |
Beth Johnson, Nursery Coordinator |
bethjohnson@fpcah.org |
Brian Larson, Director of Operations and Technology |
brianlarson@fpcah.org |
Kris Mainellis, Communications |
krismainellis@fpcah.org |
Carol Roppel, Administrative Assistant / Receptionist |
carolroppel@fpcah.org |
Christopher Urban, Associate Director of Music and Organist |
chrisurban@fpcah.org |
Debbie Walter, Business Administrator |
debbiewalter@fpcah.org |
Maria Wojtas, Director of Communications |
mariawojtas@fpcah.org |