Health and Fitness at First Pres
Unless otherwise indicated, contact TC Anderson to learn more about these health and fitness opportunities.
Radical Acceptance
7:00-8:30 pm on the following first Tuesdays:
March 7, April 4, May 2, June 13, and July 11 / Meet in the Chapel
The Meditation Group will explore the concept of "Radical Acceptance," presented in a series of video lessons by Tara Brach, PhD.* The videos are based on her book, Radical Acceptance. Join the group on a journey of self-awareness and self-love to help build meaningful relationships. Attendance at all sessions is recommended, but not required. Format: 30-minute video, 30-minute discussion, 20-minute meditation, and 10-minute wrap-up. REGISTER HERE. Cost: free-will offering / Contact: Larry Hayes
*Dr. Brach is a psychologist and a Buddhist meditation teacher, based in Washington, DC.
The Meditation group typically meets on the first Tuesday of each month (typically in the Parlor), and seeks to experience a variety of meditation techniques, with the goal for each participant to find the most personally fulfilling practice. The cost differs each month, per class. Contact: Larry Hayes
Meets Regularly for Scheduled Rides
Join this group to ride bikes for fun and fitness. Bicyclists of all ages and abilities are welcome. Todd Smith and Bill Lyon lead these activities. Helmets are required. Complete the brief form below to express your interest.
Questions? Contact Todd Smith and/or Bill Lyon.
NOTE: This group requires a waiver for adult and youth participants.
Meets Mondays and Wednesdays
6:00-6:45 pm / Church Parking Lot
The walking group meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 to 6:45 pm in the parking lot at First Presbyterian (by the main office doors). The group walks around Arlington Heights for 30 to 40 minutes, trying to get in 5k or more steps. The recommended average number of steps a day is 10k, so our goal of 5k will get everyone at least half way there. Walking will also give the members of the group time to get to know one another or catch up with people they know.
Contact: Deb Artman (or text/call: 224-688-1783)
Note: The timing for this group is fluid - sometimes beginning at 5:30, sometimes 6:00, and occasionally altering the schedule. Maintain contact with Deb Artman for planning purposes.
NOTE: This group requires a waiver for adult and youth participants.
Fitness Boot Camp
Saturdays, 8:30 am, First Pres Gym
You are invited to take part in a boot-camp-like fitness class each Saturday at 8:30 am in the First Pres Gym. Taught by church member Fernando Egea, this class will help you get in shape and stay fit. Drop in for this free class! Contact: Fernando Egea
NOTE: This group requires a waiver for adult and youth participants.
Visit the Community Groups page for other group activities.