Holy Week & Easter Worship Schedule
April 9: Palm Sunday Worship: 8:30, 9:30, & 11:00 am
Welcome the Messiah with waving palm fronds.
April 13: Maundy Thursday Worship: 7:00 pm
Take part in a joint service of worship at St. John United Church of Christ (308 N. Evergreen Ave.).
April 14: Good Friday Service of Darkness: 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Experience Christ’s passion in worship.
April 16: Easter Sunday
Celebrate Christ’s glorious resurrection!
6:30 am Sunrise Service at North School Park
(Intersection of St. James & Evergreen Streets) -- Meet in the Chapel if inclement weather.
8:00 am finding grace* (Chapel)
(*Please note earlier time for finding grace.)
9:30 am CROSSROADS (Sanctuary)
11:00 am HERITAGE (Sanctuary)
Free child care will be available for all Easter worship services except Easter Sunrise. All events except Easter Sunrise worship will be webcast.